Sunday, February 26, 2012

Just breathe!

Birthday's over, baptisms over!

Visitors leave tomorrow.

Cub Scout meeting tonight.

All of that means. . .

Leftovers for dinner :)

We had lasagna, salad, and whatever was left in the fridge :)

Now it's time to breathe!

Except the fact that I now have to deal with the fact that the owners of the house we are in have decided to sell their house in this "fantastic" housing market.

We need to find a new house before April 30th :)

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, you have to find a new house before April 30th. I can come over and help you pack or clean when you are ready. Or Addison can come over so you have uninterrupted time to get things packed. I hope you can find a great house that is closeby. We'd hate to lose you in our ward but the other Sammamish ward is great too.
