Sunday, December 18, 2011

What's for dinner? Day 18

Tonight we had

Spicy Thai Noodles

Or as Joe called them Spy Thaicy Noodles.

I hadn't read the recipe very closely before making it.

So upon reading while making them I realized they were supposed to served cold--refrigerate overnight.

I did not have time to do that at that point and to be honest I hadn't planned on serving them cold--so we had them hot and served with some Filipino Lumpia that I got from Costco in the frozen section.

It was delicious hot!

Joe and I both liked it a lot.  The kids liked the noodles, they just did not put the green onions, cilantro and peanuts on theirs.

Joe had them for lunch today cold and said he preferred them HOT!

The recipe is below but I found it here where there are lots of other yummy stuff!

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